Richard Prokopanko
Sent: December-19-11 11:01 PM
To: "Honourable Minister Shirley Bond",
"Maria Dupuis OIPC:EX",
Subject: Concerning un ethical registraion to the BC government.
20th December 2011.
The Attorney General:
The Hon S Bond.
Dear Madam
Ref: Richard Prokopanko and Sharon Singh..Rio Tinto registered lobbyists.
I wish to place before you several criminal and other unethical matters which Prokopanko has not seen fit to inform your Government about.
You may feel Prokopanko has committed a criminal offense and should be prosecuted.
Mr. Prokopanko has caused the registration of Ms Singh as a lobbyist to your Government and he has at all times been aware of the following:
1. Ms Singh’s arrest record for dishonesty in Australia.
(** - see below)
Ms Singh was arrested in 2000 and placed before Australian Courts for using 4 different names to improperly gain employment here.
Now if that were all of Ms Singh’s peccadilloes I would not be writing to you today, however, Prokopanko is well aware that Ms Singh has a history working for members of a notorious organized crime group forming partnerships with Paul Reed and Don Campbell, and Benji Venimen all ex drug traffickers, Read and Venimen had convictions for manslaughter and murder, respectively here in Australia. Additionally Prokopanko was well aware that Ms Singh had improperly obtained a job with Rio Tinto Iron Ore in Perth, Western Australia by falsely claiming to be an Australian citizen when she wasn’t and she did not have a proper Australian visa to work in Australia, and in obtaing that emploment she was acting contrary to her earlier court appearances when she was warned not to try to work again without proper authority but perhaps a more pertinent complaint against Singh would be:
That she gained an improper registration to practice law in Australia using deceit, an offense for which she would face criminal prosecution here in Australia.
The way she did this was.
a) Not to inform the legal Practice Board in Western Australia that:
1) She did not have permission to work in Australia.
2) But she did inform the practice board that she had worked for the president of the Victorian Supreme Court, Maxwell J. when this was not the case and was most certainly untrue.
3) She did not tell the practice board she had an arrest record for using 4 false names to gain un lawful employment.
4) She did not tell the practice board that she had been fired for theft of dog biscuits at Sims supermarket.
5) She did not tell the practice board that she had ongoing relationships with several high profile notorious criminals.
I think these matters are serious enough in themselves to be put before you, but of course there is much more to be revealed regarding the character and ethics of both Singh and Prokopanko than these outlines above. I am sure however, prudent simple enquiries as to suitability to lobby your Government would be revealing and may well prevent an international embarrassment.
Tony Holland
( former Victorian Government Prison Visitor).
I shall be only too happy to send to you court documents’ and other items proving any matters referred above, no doubt however your police department can be of some help in advising.
The Minister responsible, the Honourable Shirley Bond, has responded with the following reply:
From: "Honourable Minister Shirley Bond"
To: Mr J Holland
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 8:40 AM
Subject: RE: Concerning un ethical registraion to the BC government.
Dear Mr. Holland,
Thank you for contacting me with your concerns. As this is my constituency email address and your concern is related to the Attorney General ministry, your email will be forwarded to my Ministry email address. A staff member from the Ministry will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
Again, thank you for contacting me, your concerns are important to me.
Shirley Bond, MLA
Prince George – Valemount
Public Safety and Solicitor General
Acting Attorney General