31 July 2008

Cold War Times article about my case

For those interested, I have just had an article published in the Cold War Times August issue at page 37. This is the quarterly on-line magazine of the Cold War Museum run by Gary Powers, Jnr.

Following the publication of my article, I thought it proper that I should offer Professor Lewis the chance to reply, and to put his version of events to the scrutiny of those who are able to understand what is being challenged. I therefore sent an e-mail to Professor Lewis and to the Chief Constable of West Mercia Police:

Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008
From: Michael John Smith
To: Professor Meirion francis Lewis, meirionfrancis.lewis [at] virgin.net
Cc: Chief Constable Mr Paul West, chief [at] westmercia.pnn.police.uk
Subject: Cold War Times article

Dear Professor Lewis,

I thought I should inform you that I have had an article published in the current August issue of Cold War Times, an on-line magazine edited by Gary Powers Jnr in the USA. The magazine can be downloaded from their website at:


My article is on page 37 and refers to the evidence you gave at my trial.

I believe that Gary Powers will publish an answer from you should you wish to give your side of the story. This is your opportunity to challenge the statements that I have made about you, for example that you lied under oath at my trial.

I am openly sending a copy of this e-mail to the Chief Constable of West Mercia Police, so that he is aware that I am giving you a chance to reply and correct anything that I have said about you that may be wrong.

Yours sincerely,
Michael John Smith